品界设计 - SEVENCITY IMAGE 柒城影像 (深圳)
今天的线下商业空间对设计有着比以往更高的需求,单一功能的销售空间已无法满足新一代的消费群体。作为多次合作的伙伴,我们期望设计出来的空间能帮助商家与消费者建立更深的联结,传递品牌价值,从而建立更高的客户粘性。SEVENCITY IMAGE柒城影像 由中国“城市旅行”风格创始人 - 曼宁及其亲自带领的样片研究团队组建而成。以“城市旅行”全新风格亮相深圳,全新的婚照模式,突破传统刻板婚照模式,通过记录情侣在一座城市的爱情轨迹,用作品去传递全新的“城市、生活、年轻、态度”的品牌理念……考虑到店面的地理位置 - 深圳华侨城创意文化园区,本案设计师融合原始建筑外观,用金属和线条赋予一层门店极具时尚感的外貌,又以品牌体验为主题,销售功能融于其中,打造符合品牌理念的时尚影像艺术中心。室内设计:品界设计主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:深圳空间类别:商业空间设计风格:现代风格项目面积:3000㎡前厅The front hall艺展区Art exhibition area接待区与一销产品区Reception area And First sale product area选片区与二销产品区Selected area And Second sales product area礼服区Dress area化妆区Make up area卫生间Toilet二楼VIP化妆间VIP dressing room on the second floor二楼VIP女装馆VIP women's Hall on the second floor男装馆Men's wear HallLANMANNY礼服馆LANMANNY Tuxedo Hall
品界设计 | 华光图书馆及古董钢琴博物馆(泉州)
高校图书馆代表着大学和社会的文化前沿,随着教学模式的转变,图书馆将更强调社交性信息交流的服务能力。功能单一、缺少艺术特质的图书馆将不再受欢迎。项目坐落于泉州华光学院。场地在校园的中心区域,伸展成一个缓坡,拱形相互交汇的建筑结构使整体外观轻盈个性。场馆按功能划分成五大块:书吧、咖啡吧、演艺厅、钢琴博物馆、教学区。本案设计将图书馆与娱乐有效的结合一起,给图书馆带来更多种行为模式和更具交流性的行为特点,使得图书馆成为充满活力生机的学术殿堂。室内设计:品界设计主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:福建 · 泉州空间类别:图书馆设计风格:现代风格项目面积:1000㎡书吧书籍,让我们在这个日益数字化和无形的世界里,拥有一种熟悉的安全感,同时又唤起了人们对知识的渴求——书中充满了纹理、色彩、深度和性格。那么如何吸引读者进入神圣的殿堂?如何拿成堆的书来构建一个内部的空间呢?咖啡吧不大的咖啡吧是图书馆中最温馨舒适的场所,自由的家具,适宜的光线,或三两读者驻足品味,或鼻尖带着香气畅游书的海洋。演艺厅古董钢琴博物馆以钢琴键为灵感,黑白的空间里,时尚与艺术结合。一台钢琴是艺术品,外观是艺术,演奏它也是艺术。音乐无国界,在钢琴博物馆里,人们可以跨越历史的洪流,来一次和艺术的对话。教学区
品界设计 - 深圳成天都想吃 · 成都小吃集(奥士达店 )
作为中国餐饮十大影响力城市之一的成都,美食众多,火锅、小吃、串串、川菜...享誉全国。传统的,现代的,富有创新精神的成都小吃经久不衰。- 在深圳 -I N S H E N Z H E N当第一家成天都想吃 · 成都小吃集把地道的成都小吃带到深圳海岸城后,品牌在各个美食UP主和平台间被轮番传播,收获了一大批食客及众多的好评,为品牌的连锁版图营造了很好的发展势头,第二家小吃集的到来也变得顺应时势。本案位于福田区奥士达路,是和品牌方合作的第二个项目。如何承接海岸城店的旺势,打造新特色的成天都想吃,是我们和品牌方共同努力的方向。室内设计:品界设计主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:广东 · 深圳空间类别:餐饮空间设计风格:现代风格项目面积:200㎡
品界设计 - 漳州碧湖人居新体验 - 三套
无论是东方“智者乐水”的居住文化,还是西方“流水别墅”的峰层共识,人类对湖居的追求从未停止。坐拥绝佳的江、湖、公园景观,并具备一站式的教育资源、政府高起点的规划设计等,漳州碧湖板块凭借各方优势,逐渐成为集商业、商务办公、居住、文化、休闲、娱乐及旅游等功能于一体的现代化、生态型城市中心区,毗邻碧湖的房地产项目更是借势碧湖,成功打造了高端品质人居范本,立足于碧湖的漳州人居“东富”格局显现。公司也陆续合作了很多碧湖板块的项目,今天的几个案例来自碧湖板块开发商之一建发运营的四名将。01 碧湖双玺02 建发 · 玺院03 建发 · 央著 01碧湖双玺—本案以白色调加上木质鱼骨拼地板的搭配很好的诠释了家的温馨。简洁的线条感与轻盈的空间设计,极简与轻奢碰撞的花火,突出现代风格的独特美感,一种有调性的美,追求和谐浪漫的审美,简淡、宁静、不张扬,给人清雅、舒适的居家享受。室内设计:品界设计主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:福建·漳州空间类别:住宅空间设计风格:极简轻奢项目面积:140㎡02建发 · 玺院—这一套是以柔和的深色调完成的,宽敞但光线昏暗的公寓是一个内敛的,以人为本的保护性住宅,远离城市的喧嚣。沉静而拥抱的室内空间,可用于沉思和私人家庭生活。业主的个性通过空间语言转译表达出来,呈现了独一无二的面貌,构建了一种“属于自己”的生活方式。室内设计:品界设计主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:福建·漳州空间类别:住宅空间设计风格:极简项目面积:100㎡03建发 · 央著—住宅是为一个年轻之家设计的公寓,他们热爱生活,注重生活的美感,在功能性与颜值都得以兼顾的情况下,不哗宠取宠,却能够吸引到关注的目光。项目的基础是对材质的运用和柔和调色板的共同信念,其特点是注重触觉,细细品味空间的每一处材质连接与功能转换,感受空间的温度。室内设计:品界设计主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:福建·漳州空间类别:住宅空间设计风格:极简项目面积:140㎡
品界设计 - 桔子摄影苏州艺术中心 - 实景作品
室内设计:品界设计Interior Design: Scope Design主创设计:品界主创团队Creative Design: Scope Design Main Creative Team设计参与:品界深化团队Design Participation:Scope Design Deepen the team项目地址:江苏-苏州Project Address: Suzhou, Jiangsu空间类别:商业空间Space Category: Commercial Space设计风格:现代Design Style: Modernism项目面积:1600㎡Project Area: 1600㎡照明设计:有束光Lighting Design:DELICHT使用材料:Used Materials:艺术涂料,水磨石地砖,中灰色LG墙贴膜,深灰色LG墙贴膜,银灰拉丝仿不锈钢LG墙贴膜,长虹玻璃隔断,橙色涂料Art Paint, Terrazzo Floor Tiles, Medium Gray LG Wall Paper, Dark Gray LG Wall Paper, Silver Gray Brushed Faux Stainless-Steel LG Wall Paper, Changhong Glass Partition, Orange Paint1600m² 历时 8760h,大面积的品牌荧光橙加上极简的设计思维,简约时尚又不失艺术之美。1600m², 8760 hours, large area of fluorescent orange and minimalist design, simple and stylish without losing the beauty of art.1/位置Location项目落地苏州李公堤—苏州是一座历史文化名城,也是全国著名的风景旅游城市。李公堤是苏州高端文创艺术园区,年轻文创潮流达人圣地。这是一座新与旧合一,古韵文创极致的城市,桔子摄影选择在此入驻、创造和传承。The project is located on Ligongdi, Suzhou. Suzhou is a famous historical and cultural city and a famous scenic tourist city in China. Ligongdi is a high-end cultural and creative art park in Suzhou, a holy place for young cultural and creative trendsetters. This is a city where the old and the new are in one, and the ancient rhyme and the creation are extremely blended. Orange Photo chose to settle, create and inherit here.2/品牌Brand桔子摄影,14年专注原创外景婚照研发,在定义与重新定义的原创路上“我们在创造,也在发展”。2020年是不平凡的一年——新冠疫情来袭,桔子摄影作为沪上外景婚纱照领军品牌,砥砺前行,逆势突围,以上海为中心,新潮向前。Orange Photo, has focused on the research and development of original outdoor wedding photography for 14 years. On the path of defining and redefining original photography, "we are creating and developing."2020 is an extraordinary year—In spite of the outbreak of COVID-19, Orange Photo, as the leading brand of outdoor wedding photography in Shanghai, is still breaking through against the trend and forging ahead with Shanghai as its center.3/概念Concept从客户的角度出发,结合品牌概念,我们加以重新定义,以时尚、新潮的形象,改变中国婚照空间的“土、繁、著”此次的设计概念,设计师希望打破桔子摄影品牌原有的现代轻奢格调,将极简主义结合艺术画廊的形式来进行设计和构思。把前厅作为休闲的艺术画廊,用于熏陶客人对于婚纱摄影的艺术审美,让他们觉得桔子摄影不单只是拍拍婚纱照而已,它也可以是一种艺术作品,融于空间。再者结合他们全新升级的品牌吉祥物-桔熊和品牌色-荧光橙,将其应用在空间当中,让整个空间能够有属于桔子摄影的新品牌文化。From the customers’ point of view, combined with the brand concept, we redefine and change the "rustic and redundant" image of China's wedding photo space with a fashionable and trendy style.In this design concept, the designers combine minimalism with the form of an art gallery to design and conceive, so as to break the original modern light luxury style of Orange Photo. They design the front hall as a casual art gallery to edify the guests' artistic aesthetics for wedding photography, hoping to make them feel that Orange Photo is not only a place to take wedding photos, but also a work of art that blends into space. In addition, their newly upgraded brand mascots-orange bear and brand symbolic color-fluorescent orange are applied in the space, so that the entire space can have a new brand culture which only belongs to Orange Photo.4/设计Design这个空间分为四个部分:前厅区,接待区,选片区,办公区。前厅我们在做规划的时候,给它的定义是一个结合摄影作品的画廊,我们用 "积木" 的构思,将此空间体块化处理,同时在等待的座位区我们做了个抬高,这样可以把客人分流,避免在等待区域坐着等待的客人,受到人来人往的干扰,另一方面也增加了空间的层次感和画廊的趣味性。接着我们将一些立柱做成立体化但没有到顶的隔墙,它很大很厚,像积木一样穿插在这个画廊里形成挂画的背景墙,但我们在这个厚重的墙体里挖了个门洞,让客人可以自由穿梭,避免空间的呆板,增加逛的巧思,不想一样望穿所有。在这个休闲画廊里我们还设计了一个文创区域,将来这里会放置很多该品牌的文创产品来提供给客人,以增添品牌的文化内涵。用浅灰色和深灰色来渲染空间,提升空间的高级感,跳跃的荧光橙我们设计在部分墙壁的下方,作为引导色,避免太炸眼球。整个艺术前厅我们希望让在此等待的客人和刚进店的咨询客都能够感受到被这种艺术美感所熏陶和感染。This space is divided into four parts: the front hall area, the reception area, the selection area, and the office area.When planning the front hall, we defined it as a gallery combining photographic works. We used the concept of building blocks to block this space, and at the same time we raised the waiting seat area. In this way, the guests can be divided, and the guests sitting in the waiting area can be prevented from being disturbed by people coming and going. On the other hand, it also increases the sense of hierarchy of the space and the interest of the gallery. Then some pillars were made into a three-dimensional partition wall that did not reach the top. It was very large and thick, and interspersed like building blocks in this gallery to form a background wall for hanging paintings. In addition, we dug a door hole in this heavy wall to allow guests to travel freely, avoiding the dullness of the space as well as increasing the ingenuity of strolling. We don't want everything in the space to be looked through at once. In this leisure gallery, we have also designed a cultural and creative area. In the future, many special cultural and creative products will be placed here for guests to choose, which will enrich the cultural connotation of the brand. We also used light gray and dark gray to render the space to enhance the high-level impression to guests. In addition, we applied the jumping fluorescent orange under part of the wall as a guide color to avoid getting too eye-catching. We hope that the customers waiting here and those who have just entered the store can be influenced and infected by the artistic beauty of the entire front hall.在前厅通往接待区的过道,我们将一个橙色太空舱放在了走廊,搭配上一圈一圈的线条光,犹如穿梭了一般,来到接待区,在这里我们大量运用了太空银贴膜,进入前厅就像进入了一个极简的后现代太空船里,在这里有悬挂的艺术装置,在光影的结合下显得格外时尚,从而让这个销售商业氛围浓厚的区域变得艺术化。同时我们把销售的产品区和客户的谈单区结合在一块,便捷销售人员对一销产品的介绍,这样能更有利于签单。In the aisle leading to the reception area in the front hall, we placed an orange space capsule in the corridor with a circle of line lights. The guests come to the reception area through it, as if they have gone through a time and space shuttle. Here we used a lot of space silver wall paper. Walk into here just like entering a minimalist post-modern spacecraft. There are art installations hanging inside, which seems particularly fashionable under the combination of light and shadow. It will make this area with strong sales and commercial atmosphere become more artistic. At the same time, we combined the works display area for sales with the service consulting area for customers to facilitate the introduction of the one-stop wedding photography service by the sales staff, which will be more conducive to signing orders.在接待区与选片区的走廊我们设计了一个巨型内橱窗,里面放置着精美的婚纱礼服,在灯光的照耀下,显得高级感十足。每个主要的走廊的设计,都充满幻想与艺术。选片区与接待区是一个色系的格调,因为他们是承上启下的互通关系,在这里每个客人座位都是独立的半开放性,这样的接待方式既可以保证客户来此选片的私密性,也便于销售人员与客人的沟通。In the corridor between the reception area and the selection area, we designed a huge interior window. Exquisite wedding dresses are placed there and they look more high-class under the shining of lights. What’s more, the design of each main corridor is full of fantasy and art. The selection area and the reception area use the same color system, because they are a link between the previous and the next. Besides, each guest seat here is an independent semi-open reception. It can not only ensure the privacy of the customers to choose the photos, but also facilitate the communication between the sales staff and the guests.整个空间格局动线是层层递进的,每一个前区的设计都是为了后区去做铺垫。The moving line of the entire spatial pattern is progressive step by step, and the ingenious design of each front area is to pave the way for the back area.我们用艺术化的空间思维去做商业化的空间,见证婚纱摄影的空间设计 “商艺一体化”的时代已经到来。We use artistic spatial thinking to create commercialized space. The era of "integration of business and art" in wedding photography's space design has arrived.
品界设计 - 漳州华元复式公寓
在本案中,我们尝试用“日常生活审美化”来解读当代城市的精神。日常生活与审美文化之间边界的消弭,让设计不再是某一类可以清晰界定的风格概念,而是柔和模糊,包容变化。艺术化、感性的感受视角带来的空间与生活的双向互动,改变着人们生活的日常与内涵。室内设计:品界设计主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:福建漳州空间类别:居住空间设计风格:极简风格项目面积:300㎡1F/Public space公共空间-居所位于顶楼,基于空间格局及建筑优势,设计连通整个一层空间,选用低矮、素雅的家居用品,加强大开间给予观者的视觉体验,与俯瞰都市的开阔视野形成相辅相成的配合关系。2F/Private space私人空间-如果说空间主调由初入时的观感决定,那么二层空间的舒适体验则通过对细节的严格掌握而呈现。设计将柔和的气氛延展开来,融合现代化的生活方式与艺术的生活气息于一体。
漳州最火网红酒吧 - 品界设计 - Yan whisky & cocktail -(实景作品)
项目位于漳州市中心的古城沿街,一家藏匿于闹市的威士忌酒吧悄然开幕。起初与好友(酒吧创始人)探讨,考虑如何打造隐藏在闹市的神秘酒吧?Located along the streets of the old town in the center of Zhangzhou, a whiskey bar hidden in the busy downtown area quietly opened. At first, I discussed with my friend (the founder of the bar), thinking about how to create a mysterious bar hidden in the downtown area?Yan whisky & cocktail室内设计:品界设计Interior Design: Scope Design主创设计:品界主创团队Creative Design: Scope Design Main Creative Team设计参与:品界深化团队Design Participation:Scope Design Deepen the team项目地址:福建漳州 Project Address: Zhangzhou, Fujian空间类别:商业空间Space Category: Commercial Space设计风格:古典Design Style: Classicalism项目面积:100㎡Project Area: 100㎡照明设计:有束光Lighting Design:DELICHT使用材料:Used Materials:艺术涂料,仿古木地板砖,灰砖,老石块,灰镜,胡桃木做旧,磨砂玻璃,微水泥地面Art Paint, Antique Wood Floor Tiles, Grey Bricks, Old Tocks, Grey Mirrors, Distressed Walnut, Frosted Glass, Microcement Floors01设定 Set up首先我们做了些市调,经常走南闯北的我们,每到一个城市出差,都会去一些比较有特色的酒吧小酌,从而来放松疲惫的身心。当今的酒吧多数以当代酷奢或混搭风格为主,都是一些较为跳跃的氛围,但这样的空间能让你真的放松身心吗?First of all, we did some market research. Every time when we travel to a city for business, we will go to some distinctive bars to relax our tired body and mind. The designs of bars today are mostly based on contemporarily cool and luxury style or mix-and-match style, which create a more jumping atmosphere there. But can such a space really relax you?关于酒吧的设计,我们与甲方希望最终呈现出一种北欧古堡与老酒窖的古典氛围感,犹如电影《暮光之城》里吸血鬼王族Aro的宅邸那样,满满的暖色古堡,第一眼就能吸引住客人的眼球。进来的客人就像进入了一间吸血鬼的住处一般,与众不同。Regarding the design of the bar, we and Party A hope to finally present a sense of classical atmosphere of a Nordic castle and old wine cellar, just like the warm-toned castle of the vampire royal family Aro in the movie "Twilight". It can attract the attention of the guests at first glance and give them a unique feel of entering a vampire residence.02构思 Conception从入口开始,设计了一个洞穴玄关,让过往的行人有了走进来的欲望。拉开帘子,仿佛褪去了浮华世界的喧嚣,入目所及的长条木质吧台前,坐着形形色色的男男女女,吐着烟圈品着香醇美酒,唯有调酒师在暖暖烛光里潇洒利落地摇着酒杯,一瓶瓶威士忌被放置在他身后的墙上。而墙壁则是用老石块一块块垒起来的酒龛,在斑驳石墙的映衬下竟生出些许时空错乱的感觉,仿佛回到了年代久远的北欧老电影里的画面里。Starting from the entrance, a cave entrance was designed to give pedestrians the desire to walk in. Open the curtains, as if to fade away the hustle and bustle of the glitzy world, and then step inside. In front of the long wooden bar, there are all kinds of men and women sitting there, spitting out cigarette rings and tasting mellow wine. Only the bartender is shaking his glass neatly in the warm candlelight. Bottles of whiskey are placed on the wall behind him and the wall is a wine niche built up piece by piece with old stones. Against the background of the mottled stone wall, a sense of chaos in time and space is created, as if returning to the pictures in the old Nordic movies.室内的空间,都是用烛光作为氛围照明,高高低低的摆在每个桌子和吧台的角落。昏昏暗暗的暖色调氛围让每个座位之间显得有些距离感。这是因为为了保持位置之间的神秘,我们利用昏暗的烛光映照出一个无形但有心的隔断。顶部弧顶造型,顺势而下结合罗马柱头,古老的灰旧砖墙,共同营造出了一间别于传统的酒吧。空间的整体呈现,每个细节都有它的作用,是无法割裂来看的。但一个个巧思般的细节,以及欧式的古堡石墙和深邃的洞穴风格结合,都在润物无声的烘托出设计师想要讲述的空间故事。Besides, the indoor space uses candlelight as atmosphere lighting. The candles are placed high and low in the corners of each table and bar counter. The dusky warm-toned atmosphere makes guests feel a kind of distance with each other. That’s because in order to maintain the mystery between the seats, we used the dim candlelight to reflect an invisible but intentional partition. Along with the top arch combined with Roman columns and old gray brick walls, they create such a special bar that is different from the traditional. In the overall presentation of the space, every detail has its function and cannot be seen separately. But the ingenious details as well as the combination of the European-style castle stone walls and the deep caves, are silently highlighting the space story that the designers want to tell.03落定 Finalized酒吧的设计将空间体验感做到了极致,进来的顾客可以有着不同的感受,既有洞穴又有古堡,两者相互结合,相得益彰。这里没有灯红酒绿的新潮氛围,这里只有烛光下浪漫的你我。这里没有眼前一亮的醒目,这里只有暖暖的高级。这才是我们想做的耐看的空间,经得起时间考验的空间设计。The design of the bar maximizes the sense of space experience, and customers who come in can have different feelings. There are both cave elements and castle elements in the design, and the two are combined to complement each other. There is no trendy atmosphere of feasting and revelry here, only you and me under the romantic candlelight. There is no eye-catching sight here, only a warm sense of classic. This is the wonderful space we want to make, a space design that can stand the test of time.04营业中 In business
品界设计 | 索菲亚SOPHIA婚纱摄影(合肥)
品界设计 | 600㎡当代豪宅的雅致轻奢
品界设计 | 银河系 - 桔子摄影碧云艺术中心
项目面积:5000㎡主设计师:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:浙江-嘉兴空间类别:商业空间设计风格:极简主义灯光设计:有束光照明设计项目坐落于浙江嘉善美丽的碧云花海农场,为品牌方占据了有利的资源。定位为当代拒绝被定义的年轻群体,生活与创新,感性与理性引发出设计师思维散发再创造,同样的科幻,不同于苏州桔子摄影的表达,嘉善桔子摄影以新的形式与年轻人对话。外观是营造视觉记忆的第一触点,自然的曲线,让建筑尤为生动,弱化了钢筋混凝土的冰冷与坚硬,墙上镶嵌的点点星光,在夜晚的衬托下,若银河系般飘渺灵动。走进门厅,悬挂的流线艺术装置,仿佛星体,引导你进入宇宙深处,串联起了整个接待空间。5000m²的空间,我们将“方”作为表达的主要元素。方,是对直线条及大面积体块的运用,将空间的功能属性内置于方正的结构形体之中,呈现出一种理性的克制和冷静的内敛。而局部细节上跳脱的玩偶及感性的雕塑活跃了整个空间 成了来往人群探索体验后的又一记忆点虽然有北纬30°的充足阳光,我们仍然使用了大量的线性光,利用光影在材质表面的蕴晕,为内敛的空间营造出一种温润感。
品界设计 | 一方舞台,演绎一方历史人文
这是一个讲述校史人文的生动舞台。泉州华光学院 - 校史馆室内设计:品界设计主创设计师:翁德/梁剑峰项目地址:福建泉州空间类别:校史馆设计风格:极简主义项目面积:1000㎡考虑到校史馆空间的局限性,内容展示的传统性和现代科技性,我们尝试变化了不同的设计逻辑,对空间界面进行了解构重组,创造出多变的空间交互关系。结合展台的设计,以纯粹的材质和色彩,塑造立面无边、连贯的整体感,打破了校史馆死板的陈列方式,使空间有了更广阔的格局。01-门厅02-华色含光03-春华秋实04-鸿图华构05-不负韶华
品界设计 | 穿 梭 | 杭州·艾尔文婚纱摄影艺术馆 | 实景作品
室内设计:品界设计Interior Design: Scope Design主创设计师:翁德/梁剑峰Chief Designer: Weng De/Liang Jianfeng项目地址:浙江-杭州Project Address: Hangzhou, Zhejiang空间类别:商业空间Space Category: Commercial Space设计风格:极简主义Design Style: Minimalism项目面积:5000㎡Project Area: 5000㎡设计说明:Design Description:位于素有“人间天堂”美誉的杭州萧山区。2020年艾尔文从厦门跨步到杭州,在新的城市地标,又填入了一块新的蓝图。The project is located in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, which is known as "paradise on earth". In 2020, Alvin stepped from Xiamen to Hangzhou and filled in a new blueprint for the new city landmark.这是艾尔文在杭州的第二个项目,是一个集合了10大艺术版块、占地5000㎡的杭州影像艺术空间,旨在打造一场无可取代的爱情影像之旅,为给杭州的新人带去最好的婚照拍摄体验。 This is Alvin’s second project in Hangzhou. It is a 5,000 m2 Hangzhou Photographic Art Space with 10 major art sections, aiming to create an irreplaceable journey of love, and bringing the best wedding photo shooting experience to the new Hangzhou couples.「 空间并非是填充物体的容器 」 它们的诞生皆被赋予了不同的意义Space is not a container filled with objectsTheir births are all given different meanings在我们看来—— 5000㎡杭州影像艺术空间的使命正是为爱而生 In our view——the mission of the 5000㎡ Hangzhou Photographic Art Space is born for love 理念 Idea 也借由艺术空间的设计,我们重新审视开放式区域和与隔断组成的特定场所给客户带来的不同体验感的差距,并用建筑的思维去梳理与客人互动沟通的关系。Through the design of the art space, we re-examined the gap of customers’ different experiences between the open area and the specific place composed of partitions, and used architectural thinking to sort out the relationship of interaction and communication with guests.品界设计团队认为,这是影楼空间的一次革新,仿佛是在触碰一个可以被感知的梦想。我们将其设想为现代性的一种能量,以进步观念作为主导,用一种处于暂定状态的规则去营造一种独特的空间状态,空间中所发生的事件才是空间存在的价值。The Scope Design team believes that this is an innovation in the photographic studio space, as if touching a dream that can be perceived. We envision it as a kind of energy of modernity. With the concept of progress as the leading factor, we hope to use a tentative rule to create a unique space state. The events that occur in the space are the value of space existence. 光感 Light Sensation 将光当作一种媒介,通过光的漫反射,光在空间中起到传达与引导作用。在设计的思考中,设计师认为光本身就是一种显性的物质,根据不同的区域,分层次设计该有的灯光氛围,通过光的物质性来传达人的精神世界。高级、优雅、虚幻的情绪因光而涌现。We use light as a medium. In the space, it plays the role of conveying and guiding through diffuse reflection. In the design thinking, the designers believe that light itself is a dominant material and the lighting atmosphere should be designed hierarchically according to different areas, so that the spiritual world of people will be conveyed through the materiality of light. Therefore, high-grade, elegant, and illusory emotions will emerge from the light.规划Planning这里我们借鉴了连卡佛设计师精品店流动性的设计思路,将10大版块、8个功能区有序组合,形成一个展厅式的自由空间,再根据结构与功能的需求变化,合理划分出公共性上的独立区域,以确保每位客人的隐私。设计师以大面积的灰色水泥艺术涂料,作为空间的主要色系,无需过多的色彩,即可塑造空间的内建筑美感。在空间的变换中有些区域是采用了曲线化、解构主义、失去重心的形式,同时设计师还将多种物质手段运用到空间中,最后通过设计整合在一起,这就使得空间有了自身的活跃感和流通性,人们穿梭在这种变化多样的抽象世界里更有了探索性,人与空间交融彼此,深深触动。In this project, we drew on the design ideas of the mobility of Lane Crawford designer boutiques, and organized the 10 major sections and 8 functional areas in an orderly manner to form an exhibition-like free space. And then according to the changes in structure and function requirements, we also reasonably divided public independent areas to ensure the privacy of each guest. Meanwhile, the designers used a large area of gray cement art paint as the main color system of the space. We believe that there is no need for excessive colors to shape the interior architectural beauty of the space. In the transformation of space, the design of some areas adopted the forms of curve, deconstruction and loss of center of gravity. At the same time, the designers also applied a variety of material methods to the space, and finally integrated them through the design, which can make the space have its own sense of activity and circulation. People will be deeply moved and become more exploratory in this varied and abstract world, where they and the space will blend with each other.总结Conclusion整层是由我们的原创手作饰品间、婚纱礼服陈列区、艺术装裱展示区、高级定制男装馆、全独立专属造型间、商业级影棚以及办公区域构成,从而打造极具颠覆性的经营理念与空间环境。几个敞开式区域采用了连接性的设计,而沉浸式体验的拍摄服装区更像是一间自由穿行的美学时装馆。婚纱礼服、中式嫁衣按系列划分陈列于各自的区域,都是为特别的你而准备的。The whole floor is composed of our original hand-made jewelry room, wedding dress display area, art framed display area, high-end custom men's clothing hall, fully independent exclusive modeling room, commercial-grade photographic area and office area, thus creating a very subversive business philosophy and space environment. Open areas are designed in a connected way, and the immersive experience shooting clothing area is more like an aesthetic fashion hall that people can walk freely inside. Wedding dresses and Chinese wedding gowns are displayed in respective areas according to the series, which are all prepared for the special you.用西方的设计秩序来建树东方的空间情绪与哲学。曲径通幽,以小见大,张扬且含蓄,这是一场东西方美学哲学的碰撞。We tries to use Western design order to build Eastern spatial mood and philosophy. The winding path leads to the secluded; from the small to the big; flamboyant and implicit. This is a collision between Eastern and Western aesthetic philosophy.
品界设计 | 一个没有电视的客厅
品界设计 | 杭州 - 翌禾美学摄影艺术中心 | 实景作品
"商业空间的另一种生命表达,是符合其产品的美学气质。"所见,即所得,即所知,即魏群林。克莉丝爱情艺术空间室内设计:品界设计Interior Design: Scope Design主创设计师:翁德/梁剑峰Chief Designer: Weng De/Liang Jianfeng项目地址:浙江-杭州Project Address: hangzhou.zhejiang空间类别:商业空间Space Category: Commercial Space设计风格:极简主义Design Style: Minimalism项目面积:3000㎡Project Area: 3000㎡设计说明:Design Description:随着近年来,婚纱摄影空间定义的转型,艺术空间的概念渐渐出现在影楼空间里,一个全新的年代,全新的概念,全新的体验。把室内空间再建筑化,也是此次设计的主题思想。在这个占地2000平方的空间里,设计师想打造一个,专属于魏群林老师的摄影艺术空间。01FEEL感受-这是一个无时不刻都在生动变化的展览艺术空间设计风格上去繁为简从材质品类再到软装陈设最大化的去做减法让人们可以最大化的去感受空间感受克莉丝爱情美学……-This is an exhibition art space which is changing vividly all the time. The design style is complicated and simple. From the material category to the soft furnishings, the maximum subtraction is made, so that people can feel the space and feel the beauty of Chris love.02CONCEPT概念-全场并无明显棱角一切以柔美的线条去碰撞硬朗的材质缀于角落上的绿植造景无处不在在某种程度上去实现室内再建筑化-The space has no obvious edges and corners. All the soft lines are used to collide the hard materials, and the green plants on the corners are everywhere. To some extent, indoor re-architecture is realized.03 SET EACH OTHER相和-通过原建筑的落地窗引景入室不动声色的接纳自然的馈赠感受大美杭州一年四季从早到晚的景象-Through the original building floor windows, the scenery into the room, quietly accept the natural gifts, feel the beautiful Hangzhou all year round, from morning to night scene.04PERSONALITY个性-如果我们把该空间里特有的行业属性物质去掉这个空间依然有其独有的气质在因为它的空间艺术灵魂还在因为它的百搭特性还在或许这也是设计师的另一种追求吧不是为了设计而设计-If we remove the unique industry attribute material in the space, the space still has its unique temperament, because its space art soul is still there, because its versatile feature is still there. Perhaps, this is another pursuit of designers, not for design.有一位老师跟我说过一句话她说这个空间一看就是属于魏老师的谢谢,您说对了这个空间设计确实是为他而定制的-A teacher told me that this space belongs to Mr. Wei. Thank you. You are right. This space design is really customized for him.
品界设计 | The necklace about eliysa | 实景作品
"婚纱,是每个女孩子都梦寐以求的一件盛装,那件层层叠叠轻纱弥漫,缀满软缎织就的玫瑰和宝石拼镶的婚纱,是对爱情的期盼,是对幸福的憧憬。"SHANGHAI ELIYSA BRIDAL室内设计:品界设计Interior Design: Scope Design主创设计师:梁剑峰/翁德Chief Designer: Weng De/Liang Jianfeng项目地址:上海Project Address: Shang'Hai空间类别:商业空间Space Category: Commercial Space设计风格:现代风格Design Style: Minimalism项目面积:2000㎡Project Area: 2000㎡设计说明:Design Description:该项目坐落于上海徐汇区,面积约为2000平方米,是一个婚纱礼服综合体。作为这个空间的设计师团队,我们希望进入这个空间的每个人,都可以被其柔美的光影和造型所吸引。这是一种婚纱艺术与空间艺术的结合,是独树一帜的时尚造型与富有灵感的艺术设计。01DESIGN IDEAS设计理念-借由“项链”的设计理念让整个空间动线就像项链一般一环扣着一环九个环节环环相扣长长久久-Borrow by "necklace" design concept, let the moving line of whole space be like necklace general string connect, link by link, long for a long time.02STYLE风格-从前厅,到橱窗区再到中式礼服馆三个不同的功能区域却放在一个自然行走的必要动线上给人与一种递进式的视觉感受也是空间艺术上的风格冲击-From the front hall, to the window area, and then to the Chinese dress hall, three different functional areas are placed on a necessary moving line of natural walking, giving people a progressive visual experience, but also the impact of style on space art.03KEYNOTE基调-暖色木纹结合米白色艺术涂料作为主基调点缀以顶上涟漪地上的宝石蓝冷暖结合的灯光氛围营造理性而又温暖的婚纱艺术空间-Warm color wood grain combined with rice white art paint as the main tone, embellished with ripples on the top, sapphire blue on the ground, the combination of warm and cold lighting atmosphere, to create a rational and warm wedding art space.04LINGER流连-前厅的柔美婚纱区的圣洁男装区的硬朗中式礼服区的庄严更衣区的舒适让这条“项链”变得更加丰富多彩每一节,每一环都吸引人停留,驻足却不会让你一眼望穿-The soft beauty of the front office, the sanctity of the wedding dress area, the hardness of the men's wear area, the solemnity of the Chinese dress area, the comfort of the changing area, let this "necklace" become more colorful, each section, each step is attractive to stay, stop, but will not let you a glance.带着好奇心慢慢走下去或许你还意犹未尽或许你已经美满……每一步都在与惊喜相遇灵感的归属,不止于驻足幸福,没有终点……-Go slowly with curiosity, and then back to the front room, maybe you still want more, maybe you have a happy... Each step is met with surprise, the attribution of inspiration, do not stop at the same place. Happiness has no end...
品界设计 |寻找空间“本质”—ALVIN(厦门)肖像馆 | 实景作品
"极简到极致,极简不仅仅是一种设计或风格,而是一种向上的建筑力量,令人振奋的精神支柱。Minimalism to the extreme. Minimalism is not only a kind of design or style,but an upward architectural force, an inspiring spiritual pillar."INFORMATION室内设计:品界设计Interior Design: Scope Design主创设计师:翁德/梁剑峰Chief Designer: Weng De/Liang Jianfeng项目地址:福建-厦门Project Address: Xiamen, Fujian空间类别:商业空间Space Category: Commercial Space设计风格:极简主义Design Style: Minimalism项目面积:1000㎡Project Area: 1000㎡设计说明:Design Description:项目坐落于厦门-5A级写字楼国金广场4层。年初,业主与我们交流,希望做一个能够与肖像摄影相结合,体现行业先驱者且具有空间“本质”的艺术馆。The project is located on the 4th floor of Xiamen Guojin Square, a 5A office building. At the beginning of the year, the owner communicated with us, hoping to build an art studio that can be combined with portrait photography, which will embody the pioneer of the industry and have the "essence" of space as well.01BRAND品牌-2020年ALVIN聚焦于肖像摄影艺术领域传承ALVIN影像艺术基因里的高级质感继续捕捉美,表达爱旨在让肖像作品以一件艺术品的形式存在打造具有纯粹情感,年轻状态真实表达的肖像艺术品牌——『艾尔文肖像摄影』-In 2020, ALVIN focuses on the field of portrait photography, which inherits the high-level texture in the ALVIN image art gene, and continues to capture beauty and express love. Alvin aims to make portrait works exist in the form of a work of art, and to create a portrait art brand with pure emotion, youthful state and true expression --"Alvin Portrait Photography"02ESSENCE本质-馆内主要划分为大厅、画廊、礼服、化妆和选片等五大主要功能区域层次丰富,功能分明有序地使用隔墙来进行区域划分有的半隔,有的离地通联、穿插、迂回模糊了空间界限设计贴合和展现了肖像摄影文化艺术内涵体现了行业先驱者的精神内核-The studio is divided into five main functional areas: lobby, gallery, formal dress, makeup and film selection. We use partitions to divide in an orderly manner. Some are half-spaced and some are off the ground, but they are connected, interspersed, and circuitous, blurring the boundaries of space. The design fits and shows the cultural and artistic connotation of portrait photography, and reflects the spiritual core of the industry pioneer.03FUN有趣-从前厅进入欣赏画廊里的肖像作品自然而然地被这些艺术作品所吸引顺其自然地步步深入黑白灰的经典纯粹结合“天光”与光而行阴影踏着光的边缘延展给予进入者无限的遐想空间人与空间的关系更加自在活跃空间变得更有趣这种“有趣”亦是提升商业价值的感性规划-When consumers enter from the front hall, they will first appreciate the portrait works in the gallery. They will naturally be attracted by these works of art, as if they are visiting an exhibition hall. While the atmosphere of black, white and gray scenes is created, with the effect of the “skylight”, the shadow stretches along the edge of the light. All these give the entrants unlimited imagination space, which not only makes the space interesting, but also has the activeness of people and space. But this kind of "interesting" is not meaningless, but a perceptual planning that can enhance business value.04REVEL IN陶醉-当他们走出画廊来到礼服区陶醉于一件件唯美的礼服每一个期待都将变为现实激活了消费者对肖像摄影的认知与审美同时给品牌带来了商业价值-When they walk out of the gallery and come to the formal dress area, they will fascinated by those beautiful clothes and want to try them on from the bottom of their hearts. On the one hand, improves consumers' awareness and aesthetics of portrait photography, and on the other hand brings commercial value to Party A.05EXPERIENCE体验-进入相对独立的选片区安静地浏览作品画册之后来到满足美丽需求的化妆室每间都以最短距离对应着摄影棚方便顾客进入拍摄充分考虑和满足顾客的需求和体验感通过感官体验刺激精神反馈感受到空间的真实本质让来者“由内到外”受到了全方位的洗礼-When coming to the selection area, they can also learn about a series of photography portfolio and so on. Going forward is the powder room that consumers most demand. The distance from each powder room to the studio is minimized, allowing consumers to walk into the photography area to take their own portrait in the shortest distance after putting on makeup and the formal dress. Our design is to bring customers into the brand and the products step by step and stimulate their spiritual feedback through sensory experience, so as to feel the true essence of the space. In this process, consumers have been baptized in all directions "from the inside to the outside". 06ANALYSIS DIAGRAM分析图--空间打破传统形式,再造“心境”之美。让人们对结构的记忆点高于装饰,在方寸之间获得震撼心灵的感官体验。以几何构成与“天光”为灵感,最终生成具有自己品牌的ALVIN美学。-The space breaks the traditional form and recreates the beauty of the "state of mind". It allows people to remember the structure better than the decoration, and with the ultimate freedom between square inches, people can get a shocking sensory experience. The design concept is inspired by geometric composition and "Skylight", and finally helps to generate ALVIN aesthetics that has its own brand.
品界设计 | 极简生活,时尚主理人的居所 - 恒禾七尚(亚洲十大豪宅)
这次是为合作多年的老朋友,一位时尚的婚纱摄影主理人而设计的居所。简洁、质感、宁静,是你能在这个空间所感受到的。 INFORMATION 项目名称 | 恒禾七尚主创设计 | 品界主创团队设计参与 | 品界深化团队项目地址 | 福建 - 厦门空间类别 | 住宅空间设计风格 | 现代简约项目面积 | 300m²▲平面布置图主要材质:木格栅、涂料、水磨石、木地板、瓷砖LIVING ROOM客 厅DINING ROOM餐 区TEAHOUSE茶 室LIVING BALCONY生 活 阳 台BEDROOM 1卧 室 一BEDROOM 2卧 室 二BEDROOM 3卧 室 三NANNY ROOM保 姆 房
品界设计 | 爱食者的私人厨房 - 傲客夜食(厦门)JFC店
随着生活水平不断提高,城市人口不断增多,进而刺激餐饮业的不断发展。随意在未来一段时间内,餐饮业市场潜力依然巨大,但同时也面临着“适者生存”。餐饮业作为服务业的一种,不仅要重视特色菜肴,人性化管理,人性化服务,提高自己的硬件设施也是非常重要。再次受业主委托在厦门JFC商场设计了与傲客夜食合作的第二间店面。本案坐落周边多为写字楼,从就餐群体考量,结合当地环境,设计师围绕餐饮主题烤鱼、私房菜,以“圆”的概念点亮空间,意欲打造一个集休闲、轻商务和晚市酒水的餐饮空间。进一步增强客户粘性,提供更多元、便捷的服务。主创设计:品界主创团队设计参与:品界深化团队项目地址:福建 - 厦门空间类别:餐饮空间设计风格:现代项目面积:400m²主要材质:艺术漆,水泥漆,烤漆,水磨石,防腐木大理石纹瓷砖,金属板,水波纹钢板
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